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Join a community of end users, technologists and policymakers working together to write the next chapter of autonomous innovation and assure its safe and seamless integration into everyday life. XPONENTIAL 2021 is a reimagined hybrid experience offering fresh insight across the full spectrum of unmanned innovation, from AI, to sensors, to cybersecurity. It’s more than an in-person gathering or a virtual event. It’s the best of both worlds.

Defense Energy Agriculture Retail + Logistics Public Safety Transportation Communications Mapping + Surveying Oil + Gas Construction Automated Vehicles Mining

Find new solutions
in unexpected places

From energy to transportation, construction to defense, and so many more opportunities for cross-market networking, AUVSI XPONENTIAL is the place to join the unmanned systems community including users, technologists and policymakers to collaborate on ideas, share lessons learned and build new partnerships.

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The Exhibitor Console is your XPONENTIAL hub for all the information you need to know – from deadlines to promotional items - in one convenient location.

Important Dates and Information
Thank you for exhibiting at XPONENTIAL 2021, we look forward to seeing you at XPONENTIAL 2022 in Orlando, April 25-28. Click here to reserve your space.


XPONENTIAL features immersive workshops in partnership with specialized organizations to provide training and insights to our attendees. These workshops give attendees an in-depth look into targeted topics and solutions that help them to harness the full potential of unmanned technologies now and into the future. Revisit the great partner events from 2021 below, or apply now to co-host an event or workshop at AUVSI XPONENTIAL 2022!


Check Out the 2021 Co-located Events and Workshops

From HAL9000 to Pal9000: Collaboration Workshop
Assuring our Autonomous Systems of the Future

Hosted by the Johns Hopkins Institute for Assured Autonomy

Workshop Overview:
In an increasingly complex world of technical innovation, integration, and complexity, finding consensus around ‘assurance’ can be overwhelming, and finding the paths to achieving it can seem downright impossible. The complexity of assuring our autonomous technology is immense, as autonomous systems span across domains, expertise, companies and communities. Every stakeholder in our society — designers, builders, legislators, users, and more — each have a vested interest in the technology we interact with being safe, reliable, secure, and functional. We believe in the immense power of bringing together diverse perspectives of each stakeholder to explore both the current and future landscapes of assured autonomous systems.


Global Public Safety UAS Summit

Workshop Overview:
The DRONERESPONDERS Global Public Safety UAS Summit will unite first responders and emergency services professionals who are using drones for good in their communities.

First, hear from trailblazers who will present the latest research findings and data surrounding public safety uses of drones. Then, participate in a set of immersive learning workshops where you will interact with UAS program leaders and operators representing the gamut of public safety disciplines. Finally, connect directly with the speakers and the DRONERESPONDERS team to grow your network and share your experiences.


The Virginia Model
Data Governance for State and Local Authoritative Source Data

Workshop Overview:
The VA-FIX is Virginia’s step toward the future of UTM by creating an authoritative SDSP that leverages the wealth of information in state and local government to help UAS operations and UAS Service Suppliers plan and conduct safe, effective operations. VA-FIX is part of Virginia's approach to address key policy and safety concerns at the state and local level while also maintaining a UAS airspace that is one of the most free and open in the nation. Virginia developed a governance model that has been successful at balancing stakeholder equities, driving toward an increasingly open framework. Virginia is willing to work with you and share our lessons learned and governance approach/model and to even help other states establish similar models: a model that allows government to focus on governance and leaves market decisions to the market.


How to Build Great Teams
Through Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Facilitated Roundtable Discussion

Workshop Overview:
There’s no one-size-fits-all approach or quick checklist for building diverse, inclusive teams within any organization. Even the most progressive companies are figuring out how to create better systems and processes. What we do know is that more diverse and inclusive teams lead to better outcomes and successes for all. Join us for a workshop where leaders and advocates of diversity, equity, and inclusion at organizations within our industry discuss the importance of building diverse teams and fostering an inclusive company culture.


Key Operational Documents in UAS
Operations Workshop

Workshop Overview:
Flying UAS in complex and autonomous environments requires documentation to be compliant with Federal Aviation Regulations. This is especially the case for Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) and Operations Over People (OOP) types of operations. Flight Operations Manuals, Aircraft Checklists, and Risk Assessment Worksheets are some of the key documents used by organizations that employ UAS. We provide template documents in this workshop and describe some lessons learned with our development of each.


A Single Network
For Multiple Users

Workshop Overview:
A single network can redefine how we integrate UAS into the NAS. Our country’s road infrastructure is set up for multiple users to have access. Manned aviation uses shared airports and navigation systems to fly across the country. But for UAS, each user has to build their own network. By permanently installing remote infrastructure such as command and control (C2), surveillance, and a backhaul network that feeds into a mission and network operations center, UAS users will be able to fly advanced operations such as beyond visual line of sight on a single shared network. Having a shared network will lower the barrier of entry for UAS operators and will also help scale operations across the county. With the onset of certified UAS meeting type certification, there needs to be a network they can fly on that meets the same FAA rigor for streamlined approvals.


Grassroots Advocacy Network
Deep Dive

Workshop Overview:
Join us as we talk about how grassroots advocacy can propel the unmanned systems industry forward! Hear from a former U.S. Congressman and other members of the new AUVSI Grassroots Council about what grassroots advocacy is, why it's important, and how to lend your time and energy to moving the needle on policy and regulations critical to our industry.