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Join a community of end users, technologists and policymakers working together to write the next chapter of autonomous innovation and assure its safe and seamless integration into everyday life. XPONENTIAL 2021 is a reimagined hybrid experience offering fresh insight across the full spectrum of unmanned innovation, from AI, to sensors, to cybersecurity. It’s more than an in-person gathering or a virtual event. It’s the best of both worlds.

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in unexpected places

From energy to transportation, construction to defense, and so many more opportunities for cross-market networking, AUVSI XPONENTIAL is the place to join the unmanned systems community including users, technologists and policymakers to collaborate on ideas, share lessons learned and build new partnerships.

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Category: SERVICE PROVIDER/GOVERNMENT AGENCY (Research/Development/Engineering)

Exhibitor List Index

Aerial Response Solutions, LLC. 1841 Upgraded Take me to the Twitter home page
Aerial Vehicle Safety Solutions Inc. (AVSS) 3243 Upgraded
AGY 2161
Air Force Research Laboratory 1717 Take me to the Twitter home page
Airborne Systems Group 2656
AIRBUS 1723 Upgraded Take me to the Twitter home page
Alpha Unmanned Systems Virtual Booth 1166 Take me to the Twitter home page
Alpine Advanced Materials 2710 Upgraded
American Battery Solutions 3340 Take me to the Twitter home page
American Portwell Technology Virtual Booth 1141 Upgraded Take me to the Twitter home page
Amphenol Military & Aerospace 2569 Upgraded
ARA Robotics Virtual Booth 1138
Arizona Commerce Authority 1823
Attollo Engineering LLC 2249 Upgraded
Aurora Aerial Inc 2445
Aurora Flight Sciences Corporation 2433 Upgraded Take me to the Twitter home page
Austal USA 3225 Take me to the Twitter home page
Autonodyne LLC 2659
BAE Systems 2617 Take me to the Twitter home page
BERTEN Virtual Booth 1137 Take me to the Twitter home page
Black Peak Engineering, LLC 2641
Black Swift Technologies LLC 2641 Take me to the Twitter home page
BlueHalo 2116 Take me to the Twitter home page
Broadcast Microwave Services 2651
Camflite 3146
C-ASTRAL LTD. 2954 Take me to the Twitter home page
Catalyst Aerospace Technologies Inc. 1847 Take me to the Twitter home page
CAV Systems 2460
CEiiA Virtual Booth 1162
Charles River Analytics, Inc. Virtual Booth 1250 Take me to the Twitter home page
CHCNAV 2859 Upgraded Take me to the Twitter home page
Clear-Com Communications 1742 Upgraded Take me to the Twitter home page
Collins Aerospace Virtual Booth 1174, Meeting Room 1 Take me to the Twitter home page
Composite Factory / Fibreworks Composites 3344 Upgraded
Compunetix 1945
Connect Tech Inc. 2932 Upgraded Take me to the Twitter home page
Crystal Group, Inc. 2743 Upgraded Take me to the Twitter home page
CS Canada Virtual Booth 1138
Currawong Engineering Pty Ltd 2050
Custom Power 2111 Upgraded
DARcorporation Virtual Booth 1145
Darling Geomatics 1823 Upgraded
Decavo, LLC 2063
Defense Systems Information Analysis Center (DSIAC) Virtual Booth 1322 Take me to the Twitter home page
Delta Digital Video 2559
Desert Rotor 2015
DeTect Inc (BVLOS) Virtual Booth 1127 Take me to the Twitter home page
Dewesoft 3258 Take me to the Twitter home page
Doodle Labs 3163
Drone Hopper Virtual Booth 1166 Take me to the Twitter home page
DroneXperts Virtual Booth 1138
Dynetics, Inc. Virtual Booth 1215 Take me to the Twitter home page
ECS Composites 2627 Take me to the Twitter home page
EMCORE Corporation Virtual Booth 1161 Take me to the Twitter home page
Emlid 2749 Take me to the Twitter home page
ePropelled 3533
E-valucon Inc. Virtual Booth 1131 Take me to the Twitter home page
Exyn Technologies Inc. 3533 Take me to the Twitter home page
EYO America Virtual Booth 1128
FIRST iZ 3363 Take me to the Twitter home page
FIXAR 3364
FLYMOTION 2023 Take me to the Twitter home page
Freefly Systems (formerly BFD Systems) 1849 Take me to the Twitter home page
FusionFlight Virtual Booth 1149
GEMSTAR Protective Hard Cases 2357
Gradiant Virtual Booth 1166 Take me to the Twitter home page
Grepow Inc DBA Tattu Battery 2523
Griffon Aerospace 2729
Gurley Precision Instruments 3445
Hexagon | NovAtel | AutonomouStuff 2843 Take me to the Twitter home page
Hextronics LLC 2260
HG Robotics Company Limited Virtual Booth 1126 Take me to the Twitter home page
Humanitas Solutions Virtual Booth 1138
Huntington Ingalls Industries 3441 Take me to the Twitter home page
IERUS Technologies 1614
infiniDome, Ltd 3309
IQ Motion Control 2457 Take me to the Twitter home page
iSENSYS 2711
KalScott Engineering Inc. Virtual Booth 1132
Kutta Technologies, Inc. 2833
KVH Industries, Inc. 3117 Upgraded Take me to the Twitter home page
Laflamme Aero Virtual Booth 1138
LightPath Technologies 3651 Take me to the Twitter home page
Linden Photonics, Inc. 3502
Linebird 2550
Lithium Battery Company 2453 Upgraded
Lockheed Martin 3007 Upgraded Take me to the Twitter home page
MAPIR, Inc. 3323
Maritime Applied Physics Corporation 2309 Take me to the Twitter home page
Martin UAV 2927 Take me to the Twitter home page
maxon 2323 Take me to the Twitter home page
Mejzlik Propellers Virtual Booth 1650
MicroLink Devices, Inc. 1832
MicroPilot 2416 Take me to the Twitter home page
Milpower Source, Inc. 2214 Upgraded Take me to the Twitter home page
MissionGO Unmanned Systems 2831 Upgraded Take me to the Twitter home page
Mobile Power Solutions 2852 Upgraded
Modern Technology Solutions, Inc. 2308
mRobotics 3410 Upgraded
NAVMAR Applied Sciences Corporation 3639 Upgraded
Near Earth Autonomy 3217 Take me to the Twitter home page
New York - UAS Central 3331 Upgraded Take me to the Twitter home page
NGC Aerospace Virtual Booth 1138
Nicomatic 2716 Upgraded Take me to the Twitter home page
Nippon Kayaku 3150 Upgraded
Nordic Unmanned 3407
Northern Plains UAS Test Site / Vantis 1625 Take me to the Twitter home page
Northwest UAV 2341, 1914 Upgraded Take me to the Twitter home page
NUAIR 3331 Take me to the Twitter home page
Octane Wireless 2806 Take me to the Twitter home page
Oklahoma Department of Commerce 2529 Take me to the Twitter home page
OLEI and MorpheusTEK 3356 Upgraded
Orqa 2562
Overwatch Imaging 2148
Pegasus Aeronautics 2933 Take me to the Twitter home page
Pendleton UAS Range 1914
Performance Electronics, Inc. 3047
PolyExplore Inc. 2557
Power4Flight LLC 2050
Prevision 3331
Prime Solutions Group, Incorporated 1823 Take me to the Twitter home page
RedTail LiDAR Systems 3254 Upgraded
Robotic Research 1907 Take me to the Twitter home page
Sagetech Avionics, Inc. 2329 Upgraded Take me to the Twitter home page
Saxon Aerospace 1609
SCI Technology, Inc. 1817 Upgraded
Sechan Electronics, Inc. 1848
Sensenich Technologies 3543
Sentient Blue Technologies 3331 Take me to the Twitter home page
Sierra Technical Services 2800
SIGMADESIGN 2152 Take me to the Twitter home page
Silicon Sensing Systems Ltd 1956 Take me to the Twitter home page
Sinclair National UAS Center 3343
SkyMul 2554
SKYTRAC 1901 Upgraded Take me to the Twitter home page
Skyward, A Verizon company 2216 Take me to the Twitter home page
Soar Technology, Inc. 2356 Take me to the Twitter home page
Spectrabotics 2641 Take me to the Twitter home page
Sunhillo Corporation 3045 Take me to the Twitter home page
Taisync Technology Inc. 2855 Take me to the Twitter home page
Tallysman 3058 Upgraded
T-DRONES Virtual Booth 1125
Teledyne 2547
Textron Systems 3031 Take me to the Twitter home page
The Lee Company 2019 Upgraded Take me to the Twitter home page
The Machine Lab, Inc. 3158 Upgraded
The MITRE Corporation 2040 Take me to the Twitter home page
Thunder Power RC 2663 Take me to the Twitter home page
Thunderbolt Solutions 3613
T-MOTOR Virtual Booth 1125
Tomahawk Robotics 2957 Take me to the Twitter home page
TrellisWare Technologies Inc 1733
Triad RF Systems 3422 Take me to the Twitter home page
UAS Centre of Excellence (CED) Virtual Booth 1138
UAS Global Services (UASGS) 2948
UAV Engines, Ltd. 3125
UAV Navigation SL - High Eye Virtual Booth 1236 Upgraded Take me to the Twitter home page
UAV Propulsion Tech 2330 Take me to the Twitter home page
uAvionix Corporation 2159 Take me to the Twitter home page
Ulti-Mate Connector, Inc. 2233 Take me to the Twitter home page
Ultra 2517
Unmanned Systems Research Institute (USRI) 2529
Unmanned Systems Technology .com Virtual Booth 1163 Take me to the Twitter home page
Unmanned Systems Technology Magazine 2350
UVify 3157
Virtex 2107 Upgraded
Volatus Aerospace 3364 Take me to the Twitter home page
Volz Servos GmbH & Co KG 2332 Upgraded
VP Racing Fuels, Inc. 2050
Wamore, Inc. 1823
Wibotic 2351
Xenics Infrared Solutions 2261 Upgraded Take me to the Twitter home page
ZMicro, Inc. 2953